Education Paired with Augmented & Virtual Reality

Originally coming from a background not as strong in technology, I was extremely impressed with the features introduced to us during last week's class. Although I have a basic grasp on what virtual reality looks and sounds like, last week was the first time I was made aware of augmented reality. I have been using it for years with features on popular apps such as Snapchat and Pokémon Go, but I wasn't aware of what it was called. The advancement in technology with tools such as these ones takes the need for a desktop or iPad away. Plus, as an added bonus since it is so interactive, it really grabs the attention of the person using these devices and the people around them witnessing it. The user is forced to focus so intently since they seem to be in a real-life setting and the memory of being inside of a fake world disappears. Considering how primary these really are, they have only been introduced in the last decade, the graphics are impressive. Enough so that if you look down on a projected skyscraper ledge you feel as though you are actually there up that high.  After taking the time to get to know more about these tools; you can see how useful they can be in an educational, medical, or business environment. 

These apps and new technologies can be used for pleasure or for work advancements. In the article by, they make a great point by saying how VR and AR tools can greatly help job training. Especially high-risk jobs where your life or someone else's life is on the line. For example, a surgeon performing open-heart surgery or an electrician on fixing live wires that have come apart. This eliminates the chance of someone getting seriously injured while also giving a clear view of what exactly they need to learn. There's an abundant list of professions these applications can be utilized for, in the future the importance of having these apart of the workplace operation will be substantial.  

As well as high-risk professions, the use of these tools in business and marketing is just as exceptional. We were introduced to many apps last class that take advantage of augmented reality to save time for the buyer and make sure their fully satisfied. Apps such as houzz, wayfair, sherman williams, amazon, and Ikea. Many household named furniture, paint, and supply companies are using augmented reality to show how a piece of furniture could look in your home or a certain shade of color on your walls. Additionally, Target has added the augmented reality feature on its app and mobile website. To guarantee the most satisfaction for their customers, this way buyers won't have to commit to a piece of furniture unless they are sure they like how it looks in their home. They have added the icon "See it in your space" when you choose to read further details on the piece. Once you click on that Target will ask for access on your devices' camera and this way its almost like you are placing the item in your home. You can read more about this from the article on

Overall, these two technologies are often grouped together, but they aren't actually the same. Virtual reality creates a totally immersive simulation, whereas augmented reality adds labels, captions, and other helpful overlays to a user's view of their environment. Ideally, it would be beneficial to have resources like these in every single office space and classroom but the price prohibited that quite a bit. The equipment for virtual reality tools averages about $3,000 per device. The article by discussing VR and AR claims adoption of both of these technologies is likely to be slow at first, thanks in part to the high cost of the hardware involved, but once the ball starts rolling, be prepared for AR and VR to change the way we interact with our world. They also state Goldman Sachs has estimated that the AR/VR market will reach $80 billion by 2025, which makes sense considering that heavy hitters such as Facebook, Sony, HTC, Microsoft, Google, and Samsung are all getting into the space. These are trends we are viewing for ourselves as technology advances, in just a short amount of years these tools will have a stronger presence in business and in classrooms.


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