
Related imageIt seems just yesterday it was September 4th, our class met for the first time and we learned what was in store for us this semester. I can't speak for others I can only speak for myself but going over the syllabus and seeing what was on our agenda overwhelmed me greatly. I wouldn't consider myself tech-savvy, I just know the basics to help me get by. A couple of weeks ago if you asked me to embed a website link to a document I wouldn't know where to begin. Or if you asked me to code a microbit to display a stepping counting screen I might assume you were speaking another language. Surprisingly enough I have accomplished both of these tasks this semester. In the past I did not challenge myself as much as I should've but seeing the results from assignments we have completed in this course, I have more confidence taking on projects that are foreign to me motivate

I thoroughly enjoyed all the guest speakers who were able to connect with us through google hangouts to create a virtual classroom. Whether it was Elana Leoni and Don Rescigno advising us on resume building or Jon Neale with his Google certification he was able to teach us lots of tricks using google applications, he even joined us from all the way across the pond in England. Having real-world professionals explain their skills learned and experiences is much more impactful than just reading it off a website article. Not to say that articles aren't beneficial, the site LiveBinders which was updated every week kept us up to date with current trends in technology and business. They always showed relevance to the subjects in class we learned the week prior, making it easy to read the content since it was recently discussed.

I wasn't much of an enthusiast of the books we were required to read, they seemed to be geared to a crowd a little younger than college level. The messages they all contain were important to regard your personal online accounts as anyone, especially future employers, can view them. This is a lesson that can be taught to anyone, no matter what age, if they have been using social media for a long time or just started. They all gear this in a positive light and some even add humor to keep the reader entertained. What I didn't enjoy is how repetitive they seemed, although they were three separate books they all went over similar points multiple times.

Overall I am grateful I decided to take this class to earn credits towards my W1 and W2 writing course. Compared to traditional college classes I thought the hybrid design of meeting just once a week encouraged us, students, to be more on top of our work. In the future, I know many of the applications and skills I learned throughout this course will come in handy in a professional work environment.


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