

It seems just yesterday it was September 4th, our class met for the first time and we learned what was in store for us this semester. I can't speak for others I can only speak for myself but going over the syllabus and seeing what was on our agenda overwhelmed me greatly. I wouldn't consider myself tech-savvy, I just know the basics to help me get by. A couple of weeks ago if you asked me to embed a website link to a document I wouldn't know where to begin. Or if you asked me to code a microbit to display a stepping counting screen I might assume you were speaking another language. Surprisingly enough I have accomplished both of these tasks this semester. In the past I did not challenge myself as much as I should've but seeing the results from assignments we have completed in this course, I have more confidence taking on projects that are foreign to me motivate I thoroughly enjoyed all the guest speakers who were able to connect with us through google hangouts to crea

Creating Websites as an Online Portfolio

Wrapping up the rest of Matt Ivester 's book lol...OMG! , chapters 10 and 11 make sure to through in the information that has been discussed but is crucial to remember. One important note that stuck out to me is the primary stage the internet is still in. Although it may seem advanced, the internet is as old as the generation now starting college so while social norms have had years to develop in society, online norms are still ambiguous. As well as societal norms are changing in recent years, behaviors that were granted in the past are not so acceptable. So this will definitely be applied to the internet the more people are interacting with each other using social media and other platforms. Chapter 10 also lists ten tests to act as guidelines for how you should approach your online accounts and interactions online. Crucial ones being the golden rule "treat others the way you want to be treated" and the offline test if you could choose to act this way offline, would you?

Education Paired with Augmented & Virtual Reality

Originally coming from a background not as strong in technology, I was extremely impressed with the features introduced to us during last week's class. Although I have a basic grasp on what virtual reality looks and sounds like, last week was the first time I was made aware of augmented reality. I have been using it for years with features on popular apps such as Snapchat and Pokémon Go, but I wasn't aware of what it was called. The advancement in technology with tools such as these ones takes the need for a desktop or iPad away. Plus, as an added bonus since it is so interactive, it really grabs the attention of the person using these devices and the people around them witnessing it. The user is forced to focus so intently since they seem to be in a real-life setting and the memory of being inside of a fake world disappears. Considering how primary these really are, they have only been introduced in the last decade, the graphics are impressive. Enough so that if you look down

Professional Input on Applying for Future Jobs

Last week during class we were joined by two professionals, Elana Leoni and Don Rescigno , both having many years of experience in the business industry and hiring employees. They shared with us many helpful tips that set you above any competitors for the same position that you are applying for. The first tip that made a large impression on me was to make sure your resume sticks out. It's not just about packing tons of information on a piece of paper, they actually recommend doing the opposite. Even if you have had lots of previous work experience the hiring team normally spends between 30 seconds to a minute looking at each resume. They have many to sort through so they cannot spend all day reading every line of each resume given, by making yours stand out they are more likely to spend time observing your qualification and possibly calling you back. Elana and Don also mentioned that you may present your resume with previous work experience that relates to this job your applying f

How your online accounts may appear

Considering the many tools that social media has to offer, the most substantial would be the enormous network connections. As technology advances, this network will continue to grow bigger and bigger. It is important to keep yourself vocal on social media so professionals notice how knowledgeable you in work and cultural aspects. After picking Light, Bright, & Polite   again to read chapters 4 and 5, I was informed about strategies to impress employers through social media and the most successful sites to achieve this. There are many old school skills that prosper for both online and in-person correspondence. Lisa Cochrane, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Allstate Insurance Corp., explains the best steps to take when building a professional profile. These include using authenticity; sharing achievements and having previous employments speak on your behalf comes across more responsible than simply self-promoting. Moreover, Cochrane emphasizes good communication, how you speak

Content that you want to Publish

After discussing for numerous chapters the importance of keeping our online accounts professional, this next chapter of lol...OMG takes the next step to talk about what we are writing about. It appeals to many people to get on these public sites and fire off thoughts that are passing through your mind but we also have to use our sensibility. The creators of these social networking sites design the layout that makes you want to contribute, but just because these sites are asking for your feedback doesn't mean you have to. Just as stated in chapter 6 of this book, "knowing why you are creating content in the first place allows you to weigh the value against the potential risks." Realistically, it would be impossible to stop and conscientiously reason with yourself about every single thing you could say right or wrong. But, the biggest takeaway is making sure what your saying will not be offensive to anyone.  On a similar note, plagiarism is another form of concern in ma

The Importance of Being a Good Digital Citizen

The theme stays present in "Untangling the Web" as it does with the first two books we read for class. Each has its own purpose but the relaying message to regard what your posting and how your posting it.  In this book, created by Steve Dembo and Adam Bellow, they introduce many factors that started the internet information era. These included things such as web tools, folksonomies, and site curation. Followed up by three examples of popular educational curation sites.  Symbaloo, the first example, is a simple to operate site that organizes its information in large icons similar to the layout of apps on a mobile device. The is clearly designed for educators at a elementary level since both the teacher and students can navigate this format quickly. Most children younger than middle school have an easier time with indicating icons rather than a long list of website links. Diigo, the second curated site from chapter one, this site is more intensive but also geared towards