It seems just yesterday it was September 4th, our class met for the first time and we learned what was in store for us this semester. I can't speak for others I can only speak for myself but going over the syllabus and seeing what was on our agenda overwhelmed me greatly. I wouldn't consider myself tech-savvy, I just know the basics to help me get by. A couple of weeks ago if you asked me to embed a website link to a document I wouldn't know where to begin. Or if you asked me to code a microbit to display a stepping counting screen I might assume you were speaking another language. Surprisingly enough I have accomplished both of these tasks this semester. In the past I did not challenge myself as much as I should've but seeing the results from assignments we have completed in this course, I have more confidence taking on projects that are foreign to me motivate I thoroughly enjoyed all the guest speakers who were able to connect with us through google hangouts to crea